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ReDi - Restaurant Booking plugin for WordPress

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Download ReDi - Restaurant Booking plugin for WordPress
ReDi Restaurant Booking plugin allows you to easily manage reservations for your restaurant business.

Plugin allows you to manage reservations for your restaurant business. This plugin can help to receive reservations from clients online. Your clients will be able to see available space at specified time and if it’s available client is able to make a table reservation. Initially you need to setup number of persons that can book at one time working times and restaurant details. Plugin automatically detects free seats and if available reservation is instantly confirmed. There is a possibility to control every incoming reservation as well in manual mode.

Demo Link : https://codecanyon.net/item/redi-restaurant-booking-plugin-for-wordpress/19158759

Summary from Demo
ReDi Restaurant Booking plugin allows you to easily manage reservations for your restaurant business.
Plugin allows you to manage reservations for your restaurant business. This plugin can help to receive reservations from clients online. Your clients will be able to see available space at specified time and if it’s available client is able to make a table reservation. Initially you need to setup number of persons that can book at one time working times and restaurant details. Plugin automatically detects free seats and if available reservation is instantly confirmed. There is a possibility to control every incoming reservation as well in manual mode.
Please find complete documentation here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B65PsYk8BovNU3h3MXZDT01tckk/view?usp=sharing Note: if you see error loading PDF then change your browser settings to open PDF in default PDF viewer application. Plugin Live demo: http://demo.redibooking.com Demo of Mobile friendly version of backoffice: http://upcoming.reservationdiary.eu/en/Entry2/89a08039-2c68-47c4-978c-3acb3e9989ea Demo access to back office: http://backoffice-demo.redibooking.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=redi-booking User name: demo Password: demo Features: - 2 steps reservation form - Confirm reservations automatically or manual - Manual reservation entries - Blocked dates - Time shifts - Email templates - Upcoming reservations on your iPad or any Tablet PC Addons (sold separately): - Mailchimp integration - Followup email - Reminders - SMS (PushBullet Twilio BulkSMS integrations) - Discounts
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Use by you or one client in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Use by you or one client in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
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Version 21.0914
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