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YITH WooCommerce EU VAT

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From January 1 2015 the European Union has put into effect the new rules about the taxation on the purchase of digital goods (software electronic e-book telecommunications and broadcast services) for European citizens.
In the business to consumer sale the shop must apply the VAT of the country of the purchaser; while in the business to business it all depends whether the company owns valid VAT number recognized by the European Union. 28 countries mean 28 different calculations; do you think it could be confusing? Well because with YITH WooCommerce EU VAT everything will be automatic.

As the owner of an e-commerce you should be aware of the new European rules about digital goods. In fact the European Union has decided to apply the VAT of the country of the purchaser in the B2C sales (business to consumer). On the contrary in the B2B sales (business to business) if a company has a valid VAT number the purchase will not be charged by any VAT otherwise the VAT to apply would be the same of the B2C sale. Therefore whether you have a European shop or not you need a way to understand the origin of your customers. In addition YITH WooCommerce EU VAT makes a double check on the origin of your customers just like requested by the new law: this process to apply the correct VAT implies a geolocalization check of the customers which will have to confirm of manually change their nation. This is why YITH WooCommerce EU VAT is your secret weapon: it allows you to apply automatically the correct taxesdepending on your customers’ nation without any other operation. Moreover the plugin will make a recap of the amount you have to pay monthly freeing you from calculations and researches!

Demo Link : https://yithemes.com/themes/plugins/yith-woocommerce-eu-vat/

Summary from Demo
Completely built with by YITH. Completely free.
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A shop owner that sells products or services in the EU needs to know and fulfil the requirements of EU VAT laws: our plugin YITH WooCommerce EU VAT OSS & IOSS helps you to geolocate and identify your European customer’s location and automatically apply the correct VAT rate for B2C orders.
If you sell B2B this plugin allows you to show a field in the check-out page where businesses can validate VAT and be exempted from VAT at your store.
The plugin is also updated to help you handle the new One-Stop-Shop (OSS) procedure required for all online retailers managing EU sales from 1 July 2021. With this plugin you can monitor the sales threshold (10.000 €) for B2C exports to other EU countries generate tax reports (monthly every 3 or 6 months yearly etc.) and export them as CSV to easily notify your local tax authorities about your sales.
All the products in our YITH catalog are developed on the same shared framework. This grants full compatibility among all our plugins and allows combining them together to get even more powerful results and more complete solutions.
We do our best to also include compatibility with the most popular WordPress and WooCommerce plugins available on the market.
You can use this plugin with*:
YITH Dynamic Pricing per Payment Method for WooCommerce allows enabling or disabling some payment methods for each product of your store.When the plugin is used in combination with YITH WooCommerce EU VAT the VAT inserted by the customer will allow deducting taxes for your products.
YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoice & Packing Slips allows you to automatically generate invoices in PDF format for each registered order in your shop.
When using these two plugins together the VAT inserted by the customer can be shown on the invoice generated with PDF Invoice.
* All the plugins listed in this section are not included in YITH WooCommerce EU VAT OSS & IOSS. In order to take advantage of a specific integration you need to purchase and activate the premium version of the related plugin.
Are you a customer? Submit your review
Liam Joyce - verified owner October 7 2021
I'm new to the e-commerce world and I seriously needed this great way to keep everything in order specially since the new regulations were released
Arthur Wilsey - verified owner August 27 2021
LeadersI'm pleased to see YITH's plugins always leads the way for new features and updates. Having OSS implemented since it came out has been a life savior and makes the management 10 times easier
Guillermo M. - verified owner August 12 2021
Este plugin es muy bueno pero necesitaba varias configuraciones que han ido agregando últimamente. Por ahora va mejorando cada vez más.
Anton Gartmann - verified owner July 7 2021
There is no Reduced Rates ?There is no Reduced Rates ? Only Standard Tax Rates... Why ?
Athena July 9 2021
Hello there! :)Today we implemented a new feature with an import button for the reduced rates. It is already available in the newest version. Hope this was helpful! :) Regards
Bert van den Broek - verified owner June 22 2021
Tevreden klantIk ben erg blij dat ik deze plugin heb gevonden wij zijn door omstandigheden internationaal zo snel gegroeid en we hadden niet in de gaten hoeveel verschillende percentages worden gehanteerd. Dit heeft ons zoveel tijd bespaart! De plugin werkt top en de keren dat ik met support in contact ben geweest ben ik zeer snel en goed geholpen.
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may write a review.
No unfortunately as the UK is now outside the European Union the UK VAT rules are not managed by this plugin which applies the regulation of the European Union in terms of VAT. If you have a shop in the EU and sell to the UK you can however use the default WooCommerce VAT rates and enter the UK VAT there as for all other countries outside the EU.
Yes it is possible but you will need to confirm the billing country during the checkout.
Yes it is possible to disable the VAT exemption in the same country through the specific option in the plugin settings.
Yes in the plugin settings you can edit all the plugin messages and field texts.
You can show the VAT number on the invoices by using the plugin in combination with the premium version of YITH PDF Invoice & Packing Slips which is fully integrated.
From July 1 2021 the EU laws include also the physical products so by default the plugin manages VAT for physical products too.
Yes it adds the VAT field to the checkout form.
The plugin validates the VAT number using the validation process of the official page of the European Commission checking for the presence of the VAT number in the Intrastat records.
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Version 2.0.1
Category WordPress Plugins
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